High River Storm-Ups

As players arrive to the diamond, do not let them throw/play catch, as they haven't properly warmed up their arms. Instead, have them start the Whiffle Circle BP activity below until you are ready to start the Stretching/Warm Up Routine and Long Toss activities.


Whiffle Circle BP: Video

  • Organize players in a defensive circle with the coach pitching from the center.
  • Players take turns batting, each getting five swings before rotating roles.
  • Utilize Whiffle balls for easier management and a variety of pitches.
  • Maintain player engagement with quick transitions and continuous participation.
  • Ensure players keep safety gear on to streamline the activity and enhance focus.


Stretching/Warm Up Routine (15 Minutes)


Upper Extremity Warm-Ups (8 minutes)

Including arm circles, arm hugs, overhead swings, field goals, forearm flexion stretch, dump out the can, and shoulder rotations.

Lower Extremity Warm-Ups (8 minutes)

Including jogging foul pole to foul pole, high kneesbutt kicks, open/close the gate, standing leg swings, side shuffles, and a 75% run from 1st to 2nd base.


Long Toss (15 Minutes)

  •  Pair the players up, facing each other, about 20 ft apart. One line of players will stand on the foul line in the outfield. Players throw about 30 easy tosses back and forth.
  • The player in each pair not on the foul line begins to take about 3 steps back every 10 tosses.
  • Once the players reach the distance between the bases in their division, they should begin to throw harder, and continue to do the 10 toss 3 steps back routine until they are just able to one-hop throw the ball to the other player. Throw 5 tosses at this distance to finish the drill.


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