Ages 6-7 (Birth years 2018 & 2019 for 2025 season)
This is an introduction to baseball for children 6 to 7 years old. The two main purposes of this level is to get children interested in the game of baseball and to begin preparing them for 9U baseball. We use Baseball Canada's Rally Cap format for this age group: Baseball Canada | Rally Cap Initiation Program
Objective: The objectives at this level are to focus on teaching proper throwing mechanics, fielding ground balls, catching, hitting and base running. Through active participation, players will continue to develop their personal and team skills. Each Coach Pitch team will consist of smaller groups of players per team making the innings go by quicker, therefore less time for kids to get bored and more time for them to develop their skills.
SEASON: The baseball season runs from end of April until the end of June, weather permitting.
NIGHTS OF PLAY: 5:30 to 6:30pm Mondays and Wednesday
Required Equipment: Glove and Running Shoes
Shared batting helmets are provided by the league; Jerseys and Hats will be provided by the league.
REFUNDS: Registration closes Mar 31, 2025. NO REFUNDS will be issued after this date.
Financial Aid Options: Kid Sport Calgary & Area And Jump Start
Click Here to Register: Registration 2025